Write for us!

We welcome submissions and proposals for guest posts on this site.

Our guest post writing requirements for articles and recipes on HungryGirls.com.au are:

  • The article or recipe should be in English and well written.
  • The content needs to be unique and not published in the same form anywhere else. NO plagiarized content will be accepted. All our articles are passed through a plagiarism checker to ensure that the written content has not been published before.
  • The Content should be at least 600 words, but preferably longer.
  • Divide up the content by using proper headings and sub-headings.
  • The articles ore recipes need to be submitted in Word .doc or .docx format, pages or text.doc
  • The content should be informative, useful, and easy to read and understand.
  • Content should be suitable for reading for people from any demographics.
  • In the first instance, please get in touch and state : subject matter or recipe, url, and proposed article length.