How to bake the perfect croissant

Baking the perfect croissant is a challenge that even the most experienced bakers strive to achieve.


Baking the perfect croissant is a challenge that even the most experienced bakers strive to achieve. Croissants are a classic French pastry that has become popular around the world for their flaky, buttery texture and unique shape. While it may seem intimidating at first, with the right ingredients, equipment and techniques, anyone can learn how to make delicious croissants. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to bake the perfect croissant.

Key Steps in the process

Choosing the Right Ingredients:

When it comes to making croissants, quality ingredients are key. Look for high-quality cold butter and flour, as well as active dry yeast and sugar.

Preparing the Croissant Dough:

To make the dough, mix together the flour, instant fresh yeast, sugar, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Then add in softened layers of butter and knead until a smooth dough forms. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for an hour before rolling out into a rectangular shape.

Rolling Out the Dough:

Roll out the dough into a thin rectangle about 1/4 inch thick. Make sure to use plenty of flour on your work surface to prevent sticking.

Folding & Shaping:

Fold one-third of the dough over itself and then fold it over again so that you have three layers of dough stacked on top of each other. Cut triangles from this folded sheet of dough and shape them into crescents by rolling them up from wide end to narrow end.


Place croissants onto a parchment-lined baking sheet onto the baking tray and brush with egg wash or melted butter before baking at 375°F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown on

Stick your French Croissant on a serving dish and feed the salivating troops.

Equipment you’ll need to make a professional croissant

In order to make the perfect croissant, you will need a few pieces of equipment. You will need a large bowl with a dough hook for mixing the croissant dough, a rolling pin for rolling out the dough, and a sharp knife or pastry cutter for cutting the triangles. Additionally, you will need parchment paper to line your baking sheet and an egg wash or melted butter brush for brushing on top of the croissant

How a Retarder prover is used for making the perfect croissant

A retarder prover is a piece of equipment used to help bakers achieve the perfect croissant. This machine helps to control the temperature and humidity of the dough, which allows it to rise slowly and evenly. The slow rise time gives the croissants more flavour and a better texture. By using a retarder prover, bakers can ensure that their croissants are consistently light and soft.

They come in cabinets you can slide the baking trays into or wheel in options to move them easily onto the oven. 

Other key equipment

List of commercial equipment you may need to make the perfect croissant:

• Dough sheeter – this machine is used to roll out the dough into a thin sheet.

• Croissant cutter – this tool is used to cut the dough into triangles for shaping.

• Baking trays – these are used to bake the croissants in the oven.

• Dough mixer – this tool is used to mix together all of the ingredients for the croissant dough.

• Pastry brush – this tool is used to brush egg wash or melted butter onto the croissants before baking

The Oven

Following the Retarder prover, convection ovens are ideal for baking croissants because they make sure heat is evenly distributed and the croissants can get a crispy outer layer. Preheat your oven to 375°F and put the croissants on parchment paper on a baking sheet. Then bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Use cold water when making the dough and keep the butter cold as well. This will help create a flaky texture.

The best Croissants in Australia

Australia is home to some of the best croissants in the world. Here are some of the top-rated croissants in Australia, according to the 2020 Delicious Magazine Awards:

1. Bakers Delight – Croissant Classic

2. La Madre Bakery – Pain au Chocolat

3. Flour and Stone – Chocolate Croissant

4. Bourke Street Bakery – Croissant

5. Sonoma Bakery – Traditional Croissant

6. Black Star Pastry – Chocolate Croissant

7. Iggy’s Bread of the World – Pain au Chocolat

8. The French Patisserie – Almond Croissant

Baking the perfect croissant is no easy feat. It requires patience, precision and practice. The key to success is to use high-quality ingredients, the right equipment and techniques, and to take your time. A retarder prover can be a great tool for controlling the temperature and humidity of the dough, which helps ensure that your croissants are consistently light and fluffy. With enough practice, anyone can learn how to make delicious croissants!

Once you’ve mastered the classic (Plain Croissant) here are some others you can tackle

Pain au Chocolat

Almond Croissant

Chocolate Croissant

Cheese Croissant

Ham and Cheese Croissant

Cinnamon Raisin Croissant

Apple Fritter Croissant

Raspberry Danish Croissant

Pecan Sticky Bun Croissant


Making the perfect croissant requires patience, precision and practice. The key to success is to use high-quality ingredients, the right equipment and techniques, and to take your time. A retarder prover can be a great tool for controlling the temperature and humidity of the dough, which helps ensure that your croissants are consistently light and fluffy. Start by mixing together all of the ingredients for the croissant dough in a dough mixer. Then roll out the dough into a thin sheet using a dough sheeter and cut it into triangles with a croissant cutter. Brush egg wash or melted butter onto each triangle before baking them in an oven preheated to 375°F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. With enough practice, anyone can learn how to make delicious croissants like the Sonoma Bakery!